Wednesday, August 19, 2009

you like me

You said that what we have
it's young love,
and if that's what it is,
I don't want to grow older.
And I know it will hurt
but I'm willing to deal with the pain,
just as long as you are in my arms
at the end of the day.
You say you love my smile
It's like this mouth was made for you.
And I know you aren't hungry for some corny lines
So to you I speak from the heart.
I want to send you a letter every time you cross my mind
...want to fill your mailbox with junk that only makes sense to us
green beans and skunks
overflow your inbox
make sure you don't forget I'm here.
Your voice fills my ears
when I wake up you're all I see
like a flashlight in a dark room you arrest my vision.
And like sight I can't grab you when I want to
but your picture will be my saving grace.
I like you too, you said.
I hold onto those words
just to survive.


Currently listening to:
Yellow by Coldplay

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