Sunday, August 9, 2009

a distant memory

I would fight for you
like it's battle for one last breath.
When I see your face
I feel what I felt the first time I saw you,
and I want to deny it but it's impossible
'cause when you said forever
I believed you
and I still do.
Let me in again
not the way I was before,
This time I want to KNOW you.
When I look into your eyes,
stare deep into you,
I want to see myself in the depths of your soul,
in the back of your head,
I'm the only one on your mind...
I hold on to an idea,
but at night I'm alone,
your arms would be my only resting place,
I want to suffocate in your embrace.


Currently listening to:
Black Balloon by Goo Goo Dolls

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