Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pins and Needles

I should be telling you I love you
but the truth is,
I wouldn't mean it.
The way you wrap yourself around me,
your serenity.
How the smallest words I say
mean the most to you,
I wish I meant it,
but the truth is,
I'm lost right now,
and not even love can guide me,
my atmosphere is obscured,
pricked by pins and needles,
anguish permeates the space between us,
you kiss me,
I feel nothing.
I'm not your baby
and I never will be.
A vacant promise is not a promise at all,
I've plucked the strings of your heart,
this guitar is out of tune.
Are you drawn to me or to my misery?
Do you crave my love
or are you trying to fix me?
I was better off before.
I'm not the most beautiful girl you've ever seen.
If I'm crushing you,
then I'm doing my job.
I bet you won't love me now.


Currently listening to:
Loving You by Paolo Nutini

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