Monday, December 21, 2009


I'm not looking for love,
I've been down that road before
Found no destination.
I've fallen into something that doesn't exist
and the emptiness follows me like a ghost,
like a shadow,
to remind me of all the things I've lost along the way.

Honestly, I find it easy to avoid thinking about you.
It's simple.
If simple means impossible,
then impossible is nothing.

Fingerprints draw broken hearts in the dust that settles on your picture,
torn apart by your urge to find something better out there,
legs chopped off the pedestal I once placed you on
loneliness rages inside me
attempts to singe the remains that have settled in the cracks of my heart.

And to think that love can trump all things,
that's what you said to me, at least.
You saw our hearts dancing eternally to a melody of poetry and a never-ending symphony of laughter and honesty, it would be beautiful music that whets the tongues of critics and observers alike, a marriage of happiness and love.

The record skips.
and suddenly the song is over.

I deserve to fall,
I deserve to feel,
I deserve to know what it's like
to hold onto love like I know I can.
The force that renders us may be strong,
but please let me show you that I can be strong for you, too.


Currently listening to:
Un-thinkable (I'm Ready) by Alicia Keys

1 comment:

  1. "A broken heart sparks creativity."

    Always remember this saying.. "..and this too shall pass." Because no matter what loneliness or emptiness you are feeling at any given moment, the feeling WILL eventually pass. You just have to wait it out.

    Hang in there. I may not know your story.. but I can relate. "And this too shall pass."
